Time Period: 1846-1898

Currency: Hawaiian Dollar


  • 10.05.1842
  • Law on the establishment of the Hawaii Treasury Board of the oversight of the finances; effective immediately
  • 27.04.1846
  • Law [Act to Organize the Executive Departments, No. 2] on the organization of the finance departments; effective immediately:
    - Section IV.1 defined the Hawaiian Dollar as national currency (valued identical to the United States Dollar) with coins of 1, ½, ¼, ⅛, 116 Dollar (silver) and 1, ½ Cent (copper)
    - Issuance of the copper Cent coin began in January 1847, no other coins were produced.
  • 17.05.1859
  • Civil Code; effective 01.08.1859:
    - Chapter IX established the Department of Finance (successor to the Treasury) with the authority to issue bearer certificates in foreign currency (§479)
    - Chapter XXXVI declared US subsidiary coins of 10, 5 Cents legal tender (§1485).
  • 29.07.1872
  • Law [Currency Act] on the sole legal tender status of United States silver coins, other coins remained receivable at public offices; effective immediately
  • 19.09.1876
  • Law [Currency Act], repealing the 1872 act, on the sole legal tender status of United States gold and (limited) silver coins; effective 01.03.1877
  • ??.??.1879
  • Issuance of silver certificates by the government
  • 14.08.1880
  • Law [Act to Provide for a National Coinage] on the issuance oh Hawaiian gold (20, 10, 5, 2½ Dollars) and silver coins (1, ½, ¼, ⅛ Dollar) in the specifications of the United States coinage; effective immediately:
    - 07.01.1884: Start of issuance of silver coins of 1, ½, ¼ Dollar, 10 Cents; the gold coins and the silver coin of 12½ Cents were not produced.
  • 09.06.1884
  • Law [Currency Act] on the sole legal tender status of United States gold coins and (limited) United States and Hawaiian silver coins; effective 01.12.1884
  • ??.??.1895
  • Issuance of gold and silver certificates by the government

Valuation Regimes

  • 1846-1898
  • Fixed rate against US Dollar

Rate Arrangements

  • 27.04.1846
  • Fixed
  • IUS Dollar at 1 : 1
  • -

Time Period: 1898-1905


  • 14.01.1903
  • United States Law [No. 25] on the demonetization of the Hawaiian silver coins and silver certificates; effective 31.12.1903 (coins) and 31.12.1904 (certificates)