Time Period: 1914-1918 - German Occupation during World War I


  • Territories where the German Mark was introduced (partly through local institutes):
    - 17.04.1916: Russia (including Baltics and Poland): Creation of the so-called "Ost-Mark" by the "Darlehnskasse Ost as "Ost-Mark" = German Mark.
  • Territories where the local currency continued circulating with a peg to the German Mark:
    - 03.10.1914: Belgium: Official parity of German Mark = 1.25 Belgian Francs
    - 28.11.1914: Luxembourg: Official parity of German Mark = 1.25 Luxembourg Francs
  • Territories where the local currency continued circulating without nominal peg to the German Mark:
    - ??.10.1914: France: De facto parity of German Mark = 1.25 French Francs.

Time Period: 1939-1945 - German Annexation during World War III


  • German Mark was introduced following the annexation:
    - 23.04.1938: Austria: Start of issuance at a ratio of 1 German Mark = 1.50 Austrian Schilling, exchange period ended 15.05.1938
    - 10.10.1938: Sudetenland: Start of issuance at a ratio of 1 German Mark = 8.33 Czechoslovak Crowns, exchange period ended 15.11.1939
    - 21.04.1939: Memel: Start of issuance at a ratio of 1 German Mark = 2.50 Lithuanian Lit, exchange period ended 20.05.1939
    - 22.11.1939: Western Poland: Start of issuance at a ratio of 1 German Mark = 2 Polish Zloty, exchange period ended 09.12.1939
    - 06.06.1940: Eupen & Malmedy: Start of issuance at a ratio of 1 German Mark = 10 Belgian Francs, exchange period ended 30.06.1940
    - 29.01.1941: Luxembourg: Start of issuance at a ratio of 1 German Mark = 10 Luxembourg Francs, exchange period ended 28.02.1941
    - 01.03.1941: Lorraine: Start of issuance at a ratio of 1 German Mark = 20 French Francs, exchange period ended 30.04.1941
    - 05.03.1941: Alsace: Start of issuance at a ratio of 1 German Mark = 20 French Francs, exchange period ended 30.04.1941
    - 23.05.1941: Carinthia & Carniola: Start of issuance at a ratio of 1 German Mark = 20 Yugoslav Dinars, exchange period ended 30.06.1941
    - 28.05.1941: Lower Styria: Start of issuance at a ratio of 1 German Mark = 20 Yugoslav Dinars, exchange period ended 30.06.1941
    - ??.??.1941: Bialystok: Start of issuance at a ratio of 1 German Mark = 10 Russian Rubles, exchange period ended 30.10.1941.

Time Period: 1939-1945 - German Occupation during World War II


  • Territories where the local currency continued circulating with a peg to the German Mark:
    - 21.03.1939: Bohemia-Moravia: Official parity of German Mark = 10 Czechoslovak Crowns
    - 11.09.1939: Generalgouvernement: Official parity of German Mark = 2 Polish Zloty
    - 22.07.1940: Belgium: Official parity of German Mark = 12.50 Belgian Francs (May-July 1940: 10 Belgian Francs)
    - 23.07.1940: Luxembourg: Official parity of German Mark = 12.50 Luxembourg Francs (May-July 1940: 10 Luxembourg Francs)
    - 15.11.1940: France: Official parity of German Mark = 20 French Francs
    - 28.05.1941: Yugoslavia: Official parity of German Mark = 20 Yugoslav Dinars
    - 17.07.1941: Western Soviet Union: Official parity of German Mark = 10 Soviet Rubles.
  • Territories where the local currency continued circulating without nominal peg to the German Mark:
    - ??.07.1940: Netherlands: De facto parity of German Mark = ~0.75 Netherlands Guilders (fluctuated around 1.33 : 1)
    - ??.04.1941: Denmark: De facto parity of German Mark = ~1.92 Danish Crowns (fluctuated around 0.52 : 1)
    - ??.04.1941: Norway: De facto parity of German Mark = ~1.72 Norwegian Crowns (fluctuated around 0.58 : 1)
    - 28.09.1942: Channel Islands: Official parity of 9.36 German Marks = 1 British Pound (fluctuated de facto around this value)
    - ??.10.1943: Italy: De facto parity of German Mark = 10 Italian Lire (almost fixed value).