Time Period: 1763-1900
- 08.12.1797
- Rating of cut Spanish trade coins in the accounting currency, counter-stamped "SV":
- Half of Spanish Dollar at 5½ Bits = 49½ Pennies
- Silver plugs were added for halves below 168 English troy grains weight.
- 08.12.1797
- Rating of French colonial billon coins, counter-stamped "SV":
- "Stampee" rated at 2 Pennies, lower coins were referred to as 1 "Black Dog" and rated at 1½ Penny.
- 27.07.1798
- Rating of foreign trade coins in the accounting currency:
- Spanish Dollar (8 Spanish Real in silver) at 108 Pennies
- Portuguese doubloon (6'400 Portuguese Reals in gold) at 72 Shillings
- Gold plugs (with the mint master's initials) were added for doubloons below 180 English troy grains weight.
- 21.08.1813
- Rating of foreign uncut and cut foreign trade coins, silver was counter-stamped "S":
- Portuguese doubloon (6'400 Portuguese Reals in gold) at 66 Shillings
- Cut Spanish Dollar with a plain round central piercing at 12 Bits = 108 Pennies
- Cut Spanish Dollar's centre plug at 6 Bits = 54 Pennies
- Uncut Spanish 4 Reals at 9 Bits = 81 Pennies
- Uncut Spanish 2 Reals at 4½ Bits = 40½ Pennies
- 16.11.1838
- Rating of uncut Spanish trade coins in the accounting currency:
- Spanish Dollar (8 Spanish Real in silver) at 125 Pennies
- Spanish doubloon (8 Spanish Escudos in gold) at 160 Shillings
- 16.09.1839
- Devaluation of the accounting currency at a ratio of 1 : 2½ (i.e. by 60.0%) and new rating of Spanish trade coins in Sterling currency:
- Spanish Dollar (8 Spanish real in silver) at 50 Pence Sterling
- Spanish doubloon (8 Spanish Escudos in gold) at 64 Shillings Sterling
- ??.??.????
- Demonetisation of the cut Spanish trade coins
- 21.05.1879
- Ordinance [no. 13] on the demonetization of the uncut Spanish Dollar; effective immediately
- Saint Vincent and Grenadines
- VC