Time Period: 1828-1862


  • 26.01.1831
  • Law [No. 24] on the demonetization of the Buenos Aires and Brazilian copper coins within 15 and 30 days, respectively; effective 15.04.1831 by decree of 07.04.1831:
    - Exchange rate: 1 Patacón of 8 Reals (silver) = 13 Reals (copper)
    - For the conversion, the "Sociedad encambio del cobre" was created to emit paper vouchers of 100, 1 Patacóns which in return could be exchanged within 90 days into Spanish, Brazilian, or Latin American gold and silver coins.
  • 31.12.1833
  • Decree on the ban of import and usage of Buenos Aires paper money; effective 01.02.1834
  • 20.06.1839
  • Law [No. 204] on the issuance of copper subsidiary coins of 20, 5 Cents (Real = 100 Cents, Patacón = 800 Cents); effective immediately (the coins were produced privately by Agustín Jouve).
  • 13.12.1843
  • Law [No. 254] on the issuance of copper subsidiary coins of 40, 20, 5 Cents (Real = 100 Cents, Patacón = 800 Cents); effective immediately (the coins were produced by the Montevideo mint).
  • 13.12.1843
  • Law [No. 255] on the issuance of emergency silver coins of 1, ½ "Peso Fuerte" (Patacón) during the siege of Montevideo; effective immediately (the ½ Peso was not produced).
  • 23.06.1854
  • Law [No. 382] on the issuance of copper subsidiary coins of 40, 20 Cents (Real = 100 Cents, Patacón = 800 Cents); effective immediately (not implemented).
  • 22.07.1854
  • Laws on the issuance of gold coins [No. 414] of 40, 20, 10 Reals, silver coins [No. 415] of 5, 2½, 1¼ Reals, and copper coins [No. 418] of 40, 20, 5 Cents; effective immediately.
    - Only the copper coins were produced privately by Adolfo and Hipólito Tampied in Lyon. By decree of 13.08.1857, they were declared underweighted and devalued by 5%.
    - Weights: 40 Reals at 135 Castilian grains gold 21 carats fine and 5 Reals at 261 Castilian grains silver 10 deniers fine => 14.730.
  • 13.06.1857
  • Laws on the issuance of gold coins [No. 523] of 16, 8, 4, 2 Pesos Fuertes and silver coins [No. 524] of 1, ½, ¼, ⅛ Peso Fuerte in the weight standard of 1854 (Peso Fuerte = 8 Reals); effective immediately (not implemented).
  • 01.08.1857
  • Start of paper money issuance by private commercial banks:
    - 02.07.1857: Law on the concession of the Banco Mauá & Cia.; effective upon constitution of the bank on 01.08.1857
    - 23.07.1857: Law on the concession of the Banco Comercial (Montevideo); effective upon constitution of the bank on 21.09.1857 (the bank opened for business on 15.10.1859).

Time Period: 1863-1975

Currency: 1st Uruguayan Peso


  • 23.06.1862
  • Law [No. 724] on the introduction of the national currency in the bimetallic standard; effective 01.01.1863 (conversion of bank accounts until 01.07.1863).
    - Rating of foreign gold coins at: 1 Spanish/Latin American Onza = 15.36 Pesos, 20'000 Brazilian Réis = 10.56 Pesos, 20 French Francs = 3.60 Pesos, British Sovereign = 4.70 Pesos, 10 US Dollars = 9.60 Pesos.
    - Rating of foreign silver coins at: 1 Spanish/Latin American Peso = 2000 Brazilian Réis = 1 Peso; 5 French Francs = 0.90 Peso.
  • 31.08.1867
  • Law [No. 903] on the issuance of copper subsidiary coins of 2, 1, ½ Cents; effective immediately.
    - In 1869, subsidiary coins of 4, 2, 1 Cents were produced privately (by Mario Isola and Juan Vizcaíno) in a European mint; they were declared legal tender by decree of 16.05.1869 although they were not conformal with the 1867 law.
  • 08.01.1870
  • Decree on the establishment of the "Public Credit Authority (Junta de Crédito Público)" with the authority of issuing state paper money; effective upon constitution of the authority by law of 08.05.1870:
    - Additional paper money issuance by laws of 25.01.1875 and 27.03.1875.
    - 17.11.1876: Law on the termination of the state paper money issuance and appointment of the "Commission for the Withdrawal of Banknotes (Comisión de Extinción de Billetes)"; effective 01.01.1877
  • 07.06.1876
  • Decree on the transition to the gold standard; effective immediately
  • 28.09.1876
  • Law [No. 1310] on the rating of 45 types of foreign gold and 35 foreign silver coins; effective 01.10.1876:
    - Gold: 1 Spanish/Latin American Onza = 15.12 Pesos, 20'000 Brazilian Réis = 10.56 Pesos, 20 French Francs = 3.73 Pesos, British Sovereign = 4.70 Pesos, 10 US Dollars = 9.68 Pesos.
    - Silver: 1 Spanish/Latin American Peso = 2000 Brazilian Réis = 1 Peso; 5 French Francs = 0.99 Peso.
  • 30.12.1876
  • Government resolution on the issuance of silver coins of 1 Peso, 50, 20, 10 Cents; effective immediately
  • 1877-1893
  • Demonetization of foreign coinage:
    - 30.10.1877: Law [No. 1361] on the demonetization of foreign silver coins below 50 Cents; effective 30.11.1877
    - 05.05.1884: Law [No. 1691] on the demonetization of foreign gold coins below 2 Pesos; effective immediately
    - 24.01.1879: Decree on the demonetization of all foreign silver coins except the 2000 Brazilian Réis; effective immediately
    - 28.03.1893: Decree on the demonetization of all foreign silver coins; effective immediately
  • 04.08.1896
  • Law [No. 2480] on the establishment of the Bank of the Republic as state-owned commercial bank with central bank function; effective upon constitution of the bank on 24.08.1896.
    - 14.08.1935: Law [No. 9496] on the separation of the commercial bank and central bank functions within the bank; effective immediately (formalized in the revised bank law [No. 9808] of 02.01.1939)
  • 02.08.1914
  • Law [No. 5150] on the banking crisis and suspension of the gold standard; effective immediately
  • 06.07.1967
  • Law [No. 13594] on the establishment of the "Central Bank of Uruguay", implementing §143 of the revised constitution of 15.02.1967; effective upon constitution of the bank on 01.03.1967 (retroactive)

Valuation Regimes

  • 1863-1876
  • Currency based on circulating gold and silver coins (mostly foreign)
  • 1876-1929
  • Fixed rate against gold, suspended around 1914-1918
  • 1929-1941
  • Variable rate
  • 1929-1963
  • Fixed rate against US Dollar, multi-tier system
  • 1963-1975
  • Variable rate: 1963-1972 through repeated devaluations, after 10.04.1972 floating

Rate Arrangements

  • 01.01.1863
  • Metallic
  • Peso: 1'555.58mg AU fine & 23'356.67mg AG fine
  • Doubloon of 10 Pesos at 16.970 grams gold 0.917 fine and Peso at 25.480 grams silver 0.917 fine => AU : AG = 15.015
  • 30.12.1876
  • Fixed
  • [Gold parity] 1'555.58mg AU fine
  • -
  • ??.12.1929
  • Variable
  • initially: [Gold parity] 1'555.58mg AU fine
  • -
  • 10.01.1941
  • Fixed
  • US Dollar at 1 : 1.90 - Official rate
  • -
  • 06.10.1949
  • Fixed
  • US Dollar at 1 : 3.10 - Non-commercial rate
  • -38.7%
  • 15.12.1959
  • Fixed
  • US Dollar at 1 : 7.40 - [Gold parity (07.10.1960)] 120.09mg AU fine (inoperative)
  • -
  • 15.12.1959
  • Fixed
  • US Dollar at 1 : 11 - Free rate
  • -71.8%
  • 29.05.1963
  • Variable
  • initially: US Dollar at 1 : 16.20 - Central Bank rate
  • -32.1%
  • 02.03.1972
  • Variable
  • initially: US Dollar at 1 : 495 - Commercial rate
  • -49.9%

Time Period: 1975-1993

Currency: 2nd Uruguayan (New) Peso


  • 16.12.1974
  • Law [No. 14316] on the currency reform; effective 01.07.1975
  • 01.07.1975
  • Start of currency exchange:
    - 01.07.1975: Start of issuance of the new banknotes and coins
    - 31.12.1975: Demonetization of the former currency.

Valuation Regimes

  • 1975-1993
  • Variable rate, highly inflationary

Rate Arrangements

  • 01.07.1975
  • Variable
  • initially: US Dollar at 1 : 2.52
  • ±0.0%

Time Period: 1993-

Currency: 3rd Uruguayan Peso


  • 29.10.1991
  • Law [No. 16622] on balance sheet and budget proposal; effective 01.01.1992:
    - §498 authorized the central bank to carry out a currency redenomination at a date to be established.
    - 22.12.1992: Ordinance [No. 636/992] on the date of the currency redenomination; effective 01.03.1993
  • 01.03.1993
  • Start of currency exchange:
    - 01.03.1993: Start of issuance of the new banknotes and coins
    - 31.08.1993: Demonetization of the former currency.

Valuation Regimes

  • 1993-
  • Variable rate

Rate Arrangements

  • 01.03.1993
  • Variable
  • initially: US Dollar at 1 : 3.54
  • ±0.0%

End-year Forex Rates (Units per US Dollar)