Time Period: 1994-
- 29.04.1994
- Agreement [Gaza-Jericho Agreement, Annex IV "Protocol on Economic Relations between the Government of the State of Israel and the P.L.O., representing the Palestinian people"] between Israel and the Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO); effective 08.05.1994. Article IV "Monetary and Financial Issues" determines:
- the establishment of the Palestinian Monetary Authority
- the Israeli currency will remain legal tender and accepted means of payment in the autonomous territory.
- 01.12.1994
- Decree [No. 184] of the Palestinian National Autority on the creation of the Palestinian Monetary Authority; effective immediately
- 26.01.1995
- Agreement between the Jordan and the Palestinian National Autority determines that the Jordanian currency will remain legal tender and accepted means of payment in the autonomous territory; effective immediately
- 16.12.1997
- Law [No. 2] on the constitution of the Palestinian Monetary Authority; effective immediately