Time Period: 1730-1871


  • 01.09.1736
  • Mughal decree on the issuance privilege for silver coins in the Rupee standard of Arcot by the French East India Company; effective immediately
  • 26.12.1736
  • Council resolution of the French East India Company on the coinage standard; effective 01.01.1737:
    - Silver: 1'000 Rupees at 4658 Parisian mark silver 0.95838.
  • 13.07.1739
  • Rating of the South Indian gold currency at 100 Pagodas (gold) = 320 Rupees (silver)
  • 1836-1839
  • Operations of the Pondicherry mint:
    - 29.12.1836: Ordinance on the issuance of subsidiary coins to the Pagoda currency of 2, 1, ½ Fanam (silver) and 1 Cash (copper) rated as Pagoda / 24 Fanam / 18 Cash; effective immediately
    - 06.03.1839: Ordinance on the repeal of the 1836 ordinance; effective immedately
    - 31.12.1839: Closure of the Pondicherry mint.
  • 09.08.1847
  • Governor's decree, declares the gold and silver coins of Madras Presidency of the English East India Company to be legal tender; effective immediately (?)
  • 12.11.1853
  • Governor's decree, declares Pondicherry subsidiary coins of 2, 1, ½ Fanam (silver) legal tender at 1 Fanam = 24 Madras Cash (= 140 Madras Rupee); effective immediately (?)

Time Period: 1871-1954

Currency: French Indian Rupee


  • 07.06.1871
  • Governor's decree, demonetizes the Pondicherry subsidiary coins; effective 07.09.1871:
    - The coins could be exchanged at the rate of 40 Fanams to the Indian (Madras) Rupee until 31.12.1871.
  • 08.01.1877
  • Start of operation of the French Indochina Bank at Pondicherry and issuance of paper money
  • 13.09.1884
  • French presidential decree, fixes the parity of the French Indian Rupee and (British) Indian Rupee (the rate had been fluctuating slightly); effective 01.01.1885
  • 30.11.1954
  • Demonetization of the French Indian paper money (after Pondicherry had joined the Republic of India on 01.11.1954) and exchange at 1 French Indian Rupee = 1 Indian Rupee

Valuation Regimes

  • 1871-1954
  • Fixed rate against Indian Rupee (1871-1884 the French Indian Rupee was rated against the French Franc which led to a slightly fluctuating cross rate)

Rate Arrangements

  • 07.06.1871
  • Fixed
  • Indian Rupee at 1 : 1
  • -