Time Period: 1900-1932
- The Manchurian provinces were only marginally integrated in the Chinese currency area:
- late 1905: Establishment of the Fengtian Bank Office as commercial bank with issuing privilege for paper money
- 21.04.1909: Name change into "Bank office of the Three Eastern Provinces"
- 29.10.1920: Name change into "Bank of the Three Eastern Provinces" and constitution as central bank for de facto autonomous Manchuria (under warlord Zhang Zuolin).
Time Period: 1932-1945
Currency: 1st Manchurian Yuan
- Transition
- 1 : 1 Chinese Dollar (1935)
- Sub-units
- Yuan / 10 Jiao / 10 Fen / 10 Li
- ISO4217
- none
- 11.06.1932
- Law of the Manchukuo state on the establishment of the Central Bank of Manchukuo as issuing institute and creation of a national currency in the Chinese silver standard; effective upon constitution of the bank on 15.06.1932 in Xinjing (today, Changchun)
- 01.07.1932
- Start of currency exchange:
- 01.07.1932: Start of issuance of paper money and coins by the Bank of Manchukuo
- 30.06.1934: Demonetization of the local paper money issued by the "Bank of the Three Eastern Provinces" at 1 : 1; notes of other local issuers were exchanged at lower rates.
Valuation Regimes
- 1932-1935
- Fixed rate against silver with circulating silver coins
- 1935-1945
- Fixed rate against Japanese Yen; after 1942 de facto floating and inflationary
Rate Arrangements
- 01.07.1932
- Fixed
- [Silver parity] 23'493.51mg AG fine
- -
- 01.12.1935
- Fixed
- Japanese Yen at 1 : 1
- -
Time Period: 1945-1948 - Communist Controlled Areas
- ??.10.1945
- Resolution of Central Committee of the Chinese Communist Party (Northeast Bureau) on the establishment of the "Northeast Bank (Bank of Tong-Pei)" as issuing institute for the areas controlled by the Communists; effective immediately upon constitution of the bank in Shenyang
- 08.11.1945
- Start of currency exchange in the areas controlled by the Communists:
- 08.11.1945: Start of issuance of paper money by the Northeast Bank.
- The Manchukuo currency remained legal tender as 1 Manchurian Yuan = 10 Northeast Bank Yuan and was gradually withdrawn.
- 01.12.1948
- Start of currency exchange in the areas controlled by the Communists:
- 01.12.1948: First issuance of the paper money by the People's Bank of China
- 01.01.1949: Demonetization of the notes of the Northeast Bank at a rate of 1 : 200.
Time Period: 1945-1948 - Nationalist Controlled Areas
Currency: 2nd Manchurian Yuan
- Transition
- 1 : 1
- Sub-units
- Dollar / 100 Fen
- ISO4217
- none
- 02.11.1945
- Resolution of Nationalist Chinese Ministry of Finance on the introduction special paper money for the "Nine Northeastern Provinces" (of Manchuria); effective immediately
- 21.11.1945
- Start of currency exchange in the areas controlled by the Nationalist Government:
- 21.11.1945: Start of issuance of paper money by the Changchun branch of the Central Bank of China for exclusive use in the "Nine North-eastern Provinces" of Manchuria at a rate of 1 Manchurian-Chinese Dollar = 10 Chinese Dollars (1935).
- The Manchukuo currency remained legal tender as 1 Manchurian Yuan (1932) = 1 Manchurian Yuan (1945) and was gradually withdrawn.
- 19.08.1948
- Presidential decree on the Chinese currency reform in the Nationalist areas, eliminating the Manchurian special paper money; effective immediately
- 19.08.1948
- Start of currency exchange:
- 19.08.1948: Start of issuance of the new banknotes denominated in "Gold Yuan"
- 20.12.1948: End of exchange period and demonetization of the Manchurian currency at 1 Chinese Gold Yuan (1948) = 300'000 Manchurian Yuan (1945).
- 02.11.1945
- Resolution of Nationalist Chinese Ministry of Finance on the introduction special paper money for the "Nine Northeastern Provinces" (of Manchuria); effective immediately
Valuation Regimes
- 1945-1948
- Fixed rate against Chinese Dollar (1935)
Rate Arrangements
- 03.11.1945
- Fixed
- Chinese Dollar (1935) at 10 : 1
- -