Time Period: 1888-1920 - German Colonial Administration of Kiautschou (Qingdao)


  • 12.02.1889
  • Founding of the German-Asian Bank for Overseas Trade ("Deutsch-Asiatischen Bank für den Überseehandel") with headquarters in Berlin and Shanghai; business opened in Shanghai on 15.05.1889
  • 30.04.1903
  • Announcement of the German Postal Service to restrict acceptance of payments to Mexican Dollars; effective immediately.
    - 01.10.1905: Stamps of the German foreign postal service switch denomination from German Reichsmark to Mexican Dollar.
  • 22.07.1904
  • Ordinance on the equivalence of Chinese 10 Cash subsidiary coins with old Chinese Cashs (import and usage of Korean and Japanese coins remained banned); effective 31.10.1904
    - 02.12.1905: Ordinance, restricted the import of Chinese 10 Cash coins from outside of Shandong province; effective immediately (modified and replaced by ordinance of 20.12.1906 with immediate effect).
  • 31.10.1904
  • German ordinance allows payments with Chinese 10 Cash subsidiary coins
  • 08.06.1906
  • Law on the 15-years privilege to issue banknotes in Kiautschou (and other places in China where the bank had branches); effective 30.10.1904.
    - The notes were to be denominated in "Dollar", corresponding to the Mexican Dollar, and in "Tael", of the Peking currency, at a rate of 1 Dollar = 0.72 Tael; issuance began on 01.03.1907.
  • 11.10.1909
  • Ordinance on the issuance of subsidiary coins denominated as 10, 5 Cents (= 110, 120 Mexican Dollar); effective immediately
  • 05.11.1914
  • Destruction of banknotes and materials of the German-Asian Bank by order of the German garrison commander; Kiautschou surrendered on 07.11.1914

Time Period: 1888-1920 - Other Colonies and International Concessions

  • No special currencies were under the occupation by France (Kwangchowan), Japan (Kwantung) and Britain (Weihai Garrison). In the extra-territorial international settlements, established in the cities of Shanghai and Tianjin, the currencies of the occupiers were used without special arrangement.