Time Period: 1900-1930
- 1911-1923
- Issuance of tokens without denomination, made of cut zinc sheet with a perforation:
- Shape varied with the year of issue: round (1911), triangular (1914), trapezoidal (1921), pentagonal (1922), oval (1923)
- Possibly used as receipt for poll tax but may also have circulated as substitute for small change.
- 1925-1926
- Issuance of tokens without denomination, made of milled aluminium with a central hole:
- Every year another animal was depicted: elephant (1925), leopard (1926), three more issues were only used in neighbouring Gabon colony.
- Possibly used as receipt for poll tax but may also have circulated as substitute for small change (that the values differed with the animals depicted is likely a later invention).