Time Period: 1700-1900
- ??.??.1798
- Rating of uncut Spanish trade coins in the accounting currency:
- Spanish Dollar (8 Spanish Real in silver) at 108 Pennies
- Spanish doubloon (8 Spanish Escudos in gold) at 144 Shillings
- 03.02.1801
- Rating of cut Spanish trade coins in the accounting currency of St. Kitts, counter-stamped three times "S":
- Half of Spanish Dollar at 6 Bits = 54 Pennies
- Quarter of Spanish Dollar at 3 Bits = 27 Pennies
- Eighth of Spanish Dollar at 1½ Bits = 13½ Pennies
- Additionally, French colonial billon coins were counter-stamped "S" or "S.K" (referred to as "Black Dog") and rated at 1½ Penny.
- 06.10.1801
- Rating of French colonial silver and billon coins, counter-stamped "NEVIS":
- (Worn) silver coins were rated per weight and counter-stamped with their value in units "Black Dog" of 1½ Penny
- Billon coins were referred to as 1 "Black Dog" and rated at 1½ Penny.
- 07.12.1838
- Rating of uncut Spanish trade coins in the accounting currency of St. Kitts:
- Spanish Dollar (8 Spanish Real in silver) at 112½ Pennies
- Spanish doubloon (8 Spanish Escudos in gold) at 144 Shillings.
- 22.07.1839: Adoption of the St. Kitts ratings for Nevis.
- 20.08.1849
- Devaluation of the accounting currency of St. Kitts at a ratio of 1 : 2¼ (i.e. by 55.6%) and new rating of Spanish trade coins in Sterling currency:
- Spanish Dollar (8 Spanish real in silver) at 50 Pence Sterling
- Spanish doubloon (8 Spanish Escudos in gold) at 64 Shillings Sterling.
- 18.11.1858: Adoption of the St. Kitts ratings for Nevis.
- ??.??.1877
- Law [No. 2] of the Leeward Islands on the demonetization of the Spanish Dollar; effective immediately (?)
- 09.05.1881
- Ordinance [Order in Council] for the Leeward Islands, declares the British Coinage Act, 1870 in force; effective 18.06.1891. Amendment:
- 03.02.1898: Ordinance [Order in Council] for the Leeward Islands, declares the British Coinage Acts, 1870 & 1891 in force; effective 22.04.1898