Time Period: 1700-1737


  • 14.10.1719
  • Mint ordinance on the issuance of new gold coins of 3 Ducats ("Ruspone") and 1 Ducat ("Zecchino") at 97⅓ Ducats to the Tuscan pound fine gold (Ducat = 3'488.45mg AU fine); nominally Ducat = 13⅓ Tuscan Lire

Time Period: 1737-1826

Currency: 1st Tuscan Lira


  • ??.07.1737
  • Mint ordinance on the issuance of new silver coins in units of the Paolo of ⅔ Tuscan Lire and re-issuance (under the new ruler) of the 1719 gold coins; production began on 25.07.1737 (½ Paolo) and 09.08.1737 (1 Ducat)
  • 03.01.1747
  • Mint ordinance on the issuance of a Thaler-sized silver coin "Francescone" of 10 Paoli = 6⅔ Tuscan Lire; production did not begin before 1759
  • 23.11.1803
  • Mint ordinance of the Kingdom of Etruria on the issuance of a larger Thaler-sized silver coin "Dena" of 10 Tuscan Lire
  • 06.10.1808
  • Decree (after the French annexation) on the introduction of French (metrical) units and relation of the accounting at 25 Tuscan Lire = 21 (Napoleonic) Italian Lire; the Tuscan coins were not withdrawn.
  • 03.03.1809
  • Mint ordinance (after the French annexation) on the continued issuance of silver coins of the former Kingdom of Etruria; only the denomination of 10 Paoli actually got produced
  • 04.12.1821
  • Mint ordinance on the issuance of silver coins of 1, ½ Lira

Valuation Regimes

  • 1737-1826
  • Metallic currency based on circulating silver coins, additional gold coins without fixed rate against silver. Base weight was the Tuscan pound / 12 ounces / 576 grains at 339.542 grams.

Rate Arrangements

  • ??.07.1737
  • Metallic
  • Lira: 3'782.51mg AG fine; bullion "Zecchino": 3'488.45mg AU fine
  • Paolo of ⅔ Lire at 56 Tuscan grains silver 11 ounces; "Zecchino" of (nominally) 13⅓ Tuscan Lire at 97⅓ pieces to the Tuscan pound fine gold

Time Period: 1826-1859

Currency: Tuscan Florin


  • 10.07.1826
  • Grandducal ordinance on the decimalization of the accounting based on the Tuscan Florin of 1⅔ Tuscan Lire; effective immediately:
    - 18.04.1826: Mint ordinance on the issuance of silver coins of 1, ½, ¼ Florins
    - 16.06.1826: Mint ordinance on the issuance of a gold coin of 80 Florins
    - New rating of the former gold coins at "Ruspone" of 3 Ducats = 42⅔ Tuscan Lire = 25.60 Tuscan Florins
    - Former silver coins continued at a rate of 1 Tuscan Florin = 2½ Paoli.
  • 27.07.1859
  • Decree of the Provisional Government of Tuscany on the issuance of a silver coin of 1 Tuscan Florin and a gold coin "Ruspone" (25.60 Tuscan Florins)

Valuation Regimes

  • 1826-1859
  • Metallic currency based on circulating silver coins, additional gold coins without fixed rate against silver. Base weight was the Tuscan pound / 12 ounces / 576 grains at 339.542 grams.

Rate Arrangements

  • 18.04.1826
  • Metallic
  • Florin: 3'782.51mg AG fine; bullion Florin (gold): 407.73mg AU fine
  • Florin of 1⅔ Lire at 140 Tuscan grains silver 11 ounces; "Sovrana" of (nominally) 80 Florins at 664 Tuscan grains fine gold

Time Period: 1869-1861

Currency: 2nd Tuscan (New) Lira


  • 29.09.1859
  • Decree of the Provisional Government of Tuscany on the adoption of the Sardinian (Italian) bimetallic standard; effective 01.11.1859:
    - Issuance of silver coins of 2, 1 ½ Lira
    - The demonetization of the Tuscan coinage was postponed several times to 15.07.1860.
  • 02.12.1859
  • Mint ordinance of the Provisional Government of Tuscany on the issuance of subsidiary coins of 5, 2, 1 Cents

Valuation Regimes

  • 1816-1861
  • Metallic currency based on circulating gold and silver coins.

Rate Arrangements

  • 01.11.1859
  • Metallic
  • Lira: 290.32mg AU fine & 4'500.00mg AG fine
  • 3'100 Lire to the kilogram gold 0.900 and 200 Lire to the kilogram silver 0.900 => AU : AG = 15.500