Time Period: 1700-1737
- 09.03.1729
- Mint ordinance on the issuance of new gold coin of 1 Ducat ("Zecchino") at 99 Ducats to the Roman pound fine gold (Ducat = 3'424.97mg AU fine); effective immediately (?)
- Nominal value Ducat = 200 Baiocchi.
- 10.04.1736: New rating: Ducat = 205 Baiocchi.
Time Period: 1753-1866
Currency: Roman Scudo
- Transition
- -
- Sub-units
- Scudo / 100 Baiocchi
- ISO4217
- none
- ??.??.1753
- Mint ordinance on the issuance of silver coins of 1, ½ Scudo of 100 Baiocchi; effective immediately (?)
- 28.09.1786
- Ordinance on the demonetization of all pre-1757 coins; effective ??.??.????
- 24.12.1786
- Mint ordinance on the issuance of new gold coin of 1 Pistol ("Doppia") at 62 pieces to the Roman pound gold 22 carats (Pistol = 5'013.16mg AU fine); nominally Pistol = 300 Baiocchi
- 23.06.1797
- New rating of the gold coins against silver: Ducat ("Zecchino") = 2.15 Roman Scudi, Pistol ("Doppia") = 3.15 Roman Scudi
- 24.11.1809
- Ordinance (after the French annexation) on the introduction of the French accounting; effective 01.01.1810. Ratings:
- Silver: Roman Scudo = 5.375 French Francs
- Gold: Pistol ("Doppia") = 17.11 French Francs; Ducat ("Zecchino") = 11.75 French Francs.
- 25.03.1818
- Mint ordinance on the weight reduction of the silver Scudo; effective immediately
- 10.01.1835
- Ordinance [Sovrano chirografo] on the adoption of the bimetallic standard; effective immediately:
- Rating of the pre-1835 gold coins: Pistol ("Doppia") = 3.21 Roman Scudi; Ducat ("Zecchino") = 2.20 Roman Scudi.
Valuation Regimes
- 1753-1835
- Metallic currency based on circulating silver coins, additional gold coins without fixed rate against silver. Base weight was the Roman pound / 12 ounces / 576 grains at 339.072 grams.
- 1835-1866
- Metallic currency based on circulating gold and silver coins.
Rate Arrangements
- ??.??.1753
- Metallic
- Scudo: 24'529.82mg AG fine; bullion "Zecchino": 3'424.97mg AU fine
- Scudo of 100 Baiocchi at 545½ Roman grains silver 11 deniers; "Zecchino" of (nominally) 205 Baiocci at 99 pieces to the Roman pound fine gold
- 25.03.1818
- Metallic
- Scudo: 24'225.72mg AG fine; bullion "Doppia": 5'013.16mg AU fine; bullion "Zecchino": 3'424.97mg AU fine
- Scudo of 100 Baiocchi at 53873⁄99 Roman grains silver 11 deniers; "Doppia" of (nominally) 315 Baiocci at 62 pieces to the Roman pound gold 22 carats; "Zecchino" of (nominally) 215 Baiocci at 99 pieces to the Roman pound fine gold
- 10.01.1835
- Metallic
- Scudo: 1'560.24mg AU fine & 24'208.20mg AG fine
- Scudo at 1.7336 grams gold 0.900 and 26.898 grams silver 0.900 => AU : AG = 15.516
Time Period: 1866-1870
Currency: Roman Lira
- Transition
- 5.375 : 1
- Sub-units
- Lira / 100 Cents
- ISO4217
- none
- 18.06.1866
- Papal decree [Editto No. 10] on the adoption of the Italian bimetallic standard; effective 01.08.1866:
- Rating of the pre-1835 gold coins: Pistol ("Doppia") = 17.25⅜ Roman Lire; Ducat ("Zecchino") = 11.82½ Roman Lire.
Valuation Regimes
- 1866-1870
- Metallic currency based on circulating gold and silver coins.
Rate Arrangements
- 01.08.1866
- Metallic
- Lira: 290.32mg AU fine & 4'500.00mg AG fine
- 3'100 Lire to the kilogram gold 0.900 and 200 Lire to the kilogram silver 0.900 => AU : AG = 15.500
Time Period: 1859-1870 - Italian Unification
- 28.06.1859
- Ordinance of the Provisional Government of Bologna on the adoption of the Sardinian (Italian) Lira in the Legations (Emilia-Romagna); effective 01.11.1859
- 01.11.1859
- Start of issuance of the new coinage:
- 01.11.1859: Issuance of subsidiary coins of 5, 2, 1 Cents by the Bologna mint using Sardinian dies of 1826
- 17.01.1860: Ordinance of the Provisional Government of Bologna on the issuance of gold coins of 20, 10 Lire and silver coins of 2, 1, ½ Lire; effective immediately.
- 25.11.1870
- Decree [No. 6022] on the demonetization of the Papal subsidiary coins in the Rome province; effective 20.12.1870
- Papal States (Italian State)
- IT