- Writing System
- ISO-15924
- Numeral Digit System
- Latin
- Western
- ¼
- ½
- veimama
- 1
- dua
- 2
- rua
- 3
- tolu
- 4
- vaa
- 5
- lima
- 6
- ono
- 7
- witu
- 8
- walu
- 9
- ciwa
- 10
- tini
- 20
- ruasagavulu
- 25
- ruasagavulu ka lima
- 50
- limasagavulu
- 100
- drau
- 200
- rua na drau
- 500
- lima na drau
- 1000
- udolu
- 2000
- rua na udolu
- 5000
- lima na udolu
Grammar of Counting
- Adaptation of the Number to the Counted Noun
- Numbers are unchangeable.
- Adaptation of the Counted Noun to the Number
- All nouns are unchangeable. For 1-10, number and counted noun are combined by a verbal construction of the form "e" - (number) - "na" (noun).